LEGEND: CSU-T = CSU transferable, UC-T = UC transferable!!!

All units are applicable to any Associate Degree. 检查 课程表 可用性.

心理咨询1 (CSU-T) - Introduction to 心理咨询 in a Multicultural Environment:心理咨询理论、技巧、技巧和过程概论 in working with individuals and/or groups. Multiculturalism in American society. 强调 placed on issues and processes of a minority majority environment. 包括审查 of demographics, social services, community agencies, and intervention programs. 基本 咨询技术、咨询理论与工作相关的社会文化问题 在服务提供者角色中.

心理咨询2 (CSU-T) - Introduction to Case Management for Human 服务: Introduction to case management theory, models and techniques. 多元文化的问题 影响案例管理理论. 强调 placed on case management philosophy, ethical 问题、概念和实践. Analysis of needs, documentation and confidentiality and individualized consumer plan 发展. Analysis of inter-agency collaboration. 包括监控正在进行的案例管理计划和维护客户的问题 计划成功的承诺. Designed to provide students with knowledge in case management theory implementation for Human Service, Social Work and/or Mental Health.

心理咨询3 (CSU-T) - Drugs, Recovery and Prevention in Modern Society: 药物滥用和成瘾的流行病学和毒理学入门课程 and their effects on individuals and society at large. 酒精的基本术语 psychoactive drugs and other related addiction terms will be covered. 定义 以及合法和非法药物的副作用,药理学,神经学和生理学 effects of addictive substances will be examined. 分析社会经济理论 and political ramifications of the drug industry. Investigate current models of prevention, treatment planning, recovery, local resources and client monitoring.

心理咨询4 (csu-t, uc-t) - 多民族/文化交流:探究个体的跨文化和跨民族交际行为 在人际关系和/或群体中,在美国背景下的个人身份形成, 文化影响沟通方式的历史发展和演变 of new, American inter- and intra-group communication. 将研究社会科学 研究模式,包括单主题案例研究,在五个(5)中的三个(3) 以下群体:非洲裔美国人,亚裔美国人,土著/土著美国人, Pacific Islander-Americans, Hispanic-Americans. Students will attend Bay Area cultural 韦德1946网站.

心理咨询5 (CSU-T) - Introduction to Social Work and Human 服务: Introduction to human services field. Includes history, ethics, values, and principles 人类和社会服务. Focus on modern practice, research techniques, and 技能.

 心理咨询7 (CSU-T) - 当代问题:与社会效能、教育与事业相关的当代生活议题 发展. Explores issues through an examination of current counseling related research findings and resource materials.

心理咨询10 (CSU-T) - 职业及教育规划:探索以个人职业生涯为重点的教育/职业规划概念 通过自我评估、心理测试和个人咨询来发展. 强调澄清个人的兴趣、价值、需要和能力 investigation of occupational opportunities in the world of work. 专为那些人设计的 undecided or uncertain about their career and educational plans.

心理咨询11 (CSU-T) - 人际关系: Exploration of behavior in interactions with others. Improving interpersonal relationships to benefit academic, career, and personal 发展.

心理咨询12 (CSU-T) - 自尊促进成功:探讨低自尊的成因,建立自尊的方法和习惯 成功的. Designed to improve self-esteem to ensure academic 成功.

心理咨询13 (csu-t, uc-t) - Multicultural Issues in Contemporary America:探索与我们今天所生活的多元文化社区有关的问题. Interpersonal relations and communication. Focus on improving the individual's understanding of other cultures and how those cultures impact the American lifestyle. 包括勘探 神话和误解. Discussion of four specific cultures or sub-cultures (1)非裔美国人;(2)亚裔美国人;(3)西班牙裔美国人; (4)美国原住民,(5)中东裔美国人,(6)欧裔美国人,(7)同性恋者 (8)美国残疾人.

心理咨询15 (CSU-T) - 大学学习技巧: Review of study skill techniques for 大学里的成功. 强调时间管理; 个人学习方式,积极倾听,记笔记和应试策略. Includes modeling, practice, and evaluation of study skill techniques.

心理咨询18 (csu-t, uc-t) - 大学转学计划:介绍缓解从……过渡所需的资源和规划过程 a community college to a four-year college or university. 转移的发展 行动计划. Preparation for major and general education requirements. 应用程序 周期和重要的截止日期. Recommended for those transferring to four-year colleges 或大学.

心理咨询20 (CSU-T UC-T) - 大学经历:探讨学术课程、大学政策、学生的权利和责任; 毕业和转学要求、学生服务、校园资源和活动 and the concept of educational planning through self-assessment. 重点在于自我评价 of individual interests, values, needs, and abilities. Designed for first-time, returning, 以及重新入学的学生,让他们更容易过渡到大学,最大限度地成功入学 through college towards academic/vocational goals. 

心理咨询21 (CSU-T) - 大学成功的策略: Assessment of learning and college life. Introduction to practical strategies for 大学里的成功. Includes student academic programs, college policies, student 权利和责任,毕业和转学要求,以及校园资源 和活动. Designed for first time, returning and re-entry students to ease transition into college and maximize 成功 towards their academic goals. (不可取 for credit if Psychology 咨询 20 or General Studies 20 has been completed.)

心理咨询22 (CSU-T) - 大学成功系列:(可重复2次)工作坊形式,专注于成功的实用策略 in college; workshop topics may include personal, academic and/or career goal setting; transitioning and adapting to higher education; educational planning for graduation and/or transfer; support services and campus resources; majors and careers; plus other topics as student needs are identified. Designed for all students to maximize their potential with emphasis on enhancing the new students transition into college.

心理咨询23 (CSU-T UC-T) - Creating Success in College and Life:一门旨在使学生终身学习和发展批判性的课程 认为这将有助于他们适应大学环境和工作 成功ful pursuit of their educational and career goals. 本课程提供 介绍学术技能和策略,校园资源和活动,决策 制定和计划,学校的政策和程序,人际沟通, 压力管理技巧,自我探索和目标设定,以及学生权利 和责任.

心理咨询24 (CSU-T) - 个人成长:本课程专为残疾学生设计,帮助他们提高生活管理能力 技能. Through this course, students explore behaviors by interacting with others 提高人际交往能力有利于学术、职业和个人发展.

心理咨询26 (CSU-T UC-T) - College Success and the Chicano Experience: 奇卡诺文化体验与大学关系的调查 成功. 重点考察奇卡诺文化经验如何影响大学生活 成功.

心理咨询30 (CSU-T)- 生活的转换: 提高知识、技能和能力,以有效地应对所遇到的转变 在整个人生中,比如从高中毕业,进入职场, 成为父母,改变职业,进入或失去一段关系等等 生活中的重大变化. Centers on personal health, family life, community life and career 发展. Provides the opportunity to develop a positive self-concept, independence 和积极的态度,同时也练习技能成长的变化和保持 积极的生活方式. Promotes and supports developing holistic well-being in managing life as purposeful contributing members of society.

心理咨询 95 (CSU-T) - Social Work and Human 服务 Fieldwork: 这个以工作为基础的学习课程为学生提供一个有监督的现场经验 社会服务/社会工作领域的社区组织、机构或机构. 学生将巩固和应用在必修课程中获得的知识 while learning new 技能 outside of the classroom environment. 除了参与 在实地考察中,学生将参加每周一次的班会,以补充他们的课程 野外工作经验. Students pursuing an AA-T in Social Work and Human 服务 总共需要完成2个单元. Course study under this section may be repeated 最多16个单位的职业或一般和职业的组合 工作经历. One unit of credit is earned for each 75 hours of paid work or 60 hours of volunteer work per semester. 并修课程: PSCN 96, 先决条件: PSCN 5或PSY 1或SOCI 1.

心理咨询 96(CSU-T) - Social Work and Human 服务 Seminar: 本课程为参加有监督的实地实习的学生提供帮助 在社区组织、机构或机构中,每周举行一次班级会议 provides the academic element to the experiential course offering. 结合 通过必修的工作经验课程,学生将深入了解 通过讨论他们未来作为人类服务/社会工作从业者的角色, 解决问题,反思和评估与自己,导师,主管,和 同行. Ethical, legal, professional, and social justice issues in the field of Human 服务/Social Work will be addressed. 先决条件: PSCN 5或PSY 1或SOCI 1 并修课程: PSCN 95.